MIL-DTL-11309J Calculation. Calculate the result as follows:
Milligrams of titratable chlorine per liter = (35.45)(mL sodium thiosulfate)(N)(1000)
(mL of sample solution)
N = Normality of thiosulfate solution Moisture. Weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg a sample of 3 grams of the contents of the
pouch A in a covered sample dish. Uncover the dish and dry the sample in a vacuum oven for
2 hours at 50 ºC ± 2 ºC. Replace the cover, cool the sample to room temperature in a desiccator,
and again weigh the sample to the nearest 0.1 mg. Calculation. Calculate the result as follows:
Percent moisture = (loss of weight)(100)
(grams of sample) Particle size. Weigh a representative 10 gram ± 0.05 gram sample of the contents
of the pouch A and place on a No. 10 standard sieve that is fitted into a No. 20 standard sieve,
both sieves conforming to ASTM E 11. The No. 20 sieve is fitted on the receiving pan. After
introducing the sample, place a top on the No. 10 sieve. Gently tap the sieve assembly until no
further material will pass through either sieve, as determined by observation. Weigh the material
that was collected in the bottom pan to the nearest 0.05 gram. The weight of the sample shall be
not less than 9.5 grams. Calculation. Calculate the result as follows:
Percent passing No. 20 sieve = (grams of material in pan)(10) Bactericidal performance. The following procedure should be carried out on three
separate 100-mg portions of the contents of the pouch A to give three independent sets of results:
a. Aseptically transfer to four sterilized 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks 93 mL of cooled,
sterilized hard water prepared as follows: To one liter of sterilized, cooled, glass distilled water,
add 0.54 grams of sodium bicarbonate and 0.36 grams of anhydrous calcium chloride.
CAUTION: Add these ingredients aseptically to the cooled sterilized water; hot water may
cause decomposition of the bicarbonate.
b. Mark the flasks 1, 2, 3, and 4 and place in a 45 ºC ± 1 ºC constant temperature water
bath for 30 minutes or more. Weigh three 100-mg samples of the finished product of the pouch
A to the nearest 0.1 mg and introduce them separately into flasks 1, 2, and 3. Swirl the contents
to facilitate solution and return the flasks to the bath.
c. After 10 minutes, pipette 2 mL of a freshly made sterile 10 percent DifcoTM Bacto®
Peptone solution or equal into each of the four flasks. Swirl the contents again and return to the
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